Me is Mine

Monday 19 November 2012


Seminar SM/SSM Cycle 3 - Green Leaders Group
was held at Holiday Inn, Glenmarie.
Alhamdulillah everything went well and it was a HUGE SUCCESS!

Special thanks to our GLAM founders;
Razali Zain and Hanis Haizi

Thank you to all committee members and speakers for that day..

last but not least,
Congratulations to all participants.



This is us, from the last cycle..1 year ago:

now Our team is getting BIGGER

and most importantly, we are producing successful entrepreneurs.

Just by looking at the photos,
I feel so lucky and proud to be in the RIGHT TEAM.
CDM Naa Kamaruddin is my mentor & one of the speakers too!

Registration started as early as 7.30 a.m.

Take breakfast first,
isi perut dulu sebelum menimba ilmu ;)

Part of  committee members that day:

The ballroom yang memuatkan 450 orang..

Barisan speakers for that day, getting ready at the back
semuanya hebat2 & very inspired everyone
 to give their best to everyone.

Majlis ilmu dimulakan dengan DOA by CDM Razali Zain.
Semoga seminar kali ini diberkati, dan ilmu yang dikongsi bersama dapat membantu rakan-rakan kongsi yang hadir..InsyaAllah.

majlis diambil alih oleh emcee for that day..Shaliza Aziz

In this seminar,
we had 5 different speakers from different backgrounds.
We gathered as ONE, to give the best..
 sharing knowledge, experiences and perspectives
on how to run the business and achieve more together.

First speaker was CDM Adibah Karimah,
baru 26 tahun..dan dahulunya seorang usahawan batik.
Now, doing this business fulltime dan baru saja mencapai pangkat tertinggi dalam business sebulan yang lepas.

Topik yang dibentangkan Adibah adalah TAKWIM Syarikat dan Kumpulan. Semuanya berkait rapat dengan hala tuju business!

NEXT topic was on Social Media Marketing
successfully delivered by CDM Alfaath Al-Ayubbi.
Beliau adalah insan yang menjadi tulang belakang kepada kejayaan pasangannya, CDM Salha Zain.
He's a former Web Designer, a UTP Graduate too ;)
Now, he's doing the business full time, together with his wife.

before moving on to the next slot,
we had a short break..

Then, sambung dengan topik seterusnya..
PERANAN SM/SSM Part 1, oleh CDM Sha Khalid.

Kagum dengan pencapaian CDM Sha, masa baru sahaja pangkat Diamond Sales Manager..dah berjaya keluarkan kereta Mercedes.

Right after that, my Mentor turn to share..
"Peranan SM/SSM Part 2"

Antara percaya atau tidak,
CDM Naa manage to talk in a seminar, in front of 450 people.. Daripada tak suka cakap in public, tak reti nak bagi talk.. this business has totally changed her, inside and out!

Satu jer yang CDM Naa pegang dari awal bermula dulu;

"If you don't push yourself to go beyond your limitations, 
you will never know your real potential"


of course, our great golden fingers/mentor/idol..
HANIS HAIZI yang banyak memberi tunjuk ajar dan bimbingan. 

Special thanks to Razali Zain too

Habis jer my slot, we had our lunch at Kites..

After the lunch break and Zuhur prayer,
we continued with our last slot by CDM Hanis

delivering her talk on goal setting and dreams.

"Cabaran dan Halangan itu perkara biasa dalam meniti kejayaan. What more if you want to be extra ordinary from "normal" people kan? Kita kena buat perkara2 orang biasa tak sanggup buat. :)
Kurangkan mengeluh, banyakkan berfikir dan bertindak!"
- Hanis Haizi, One and only 

The seminar ended with a huge success.
A lot of knowledge and new things shared and learned.

Last but not least, Photo Session!

with our Beautiful Circles Group:


"we are young..we are fun"

Alhamdulillah, dari Cycle 2 dulu CDM Naa hanya bawa 7 orang SM/SSM. Now for Cycle 3, dapat gandakan seramai ini untuk hadir seminar.

CDM NAA with business partner
My Leader, DDM Syida with
business partner & Mr.Beemer

Congrats to all beautiful partners,
Pick the right grup & we will guide u to be success entrepreneur like other GLAM Leader...


don't hesitate to contact to join the biz &
feel the enjoyment journey
017-929 8858 (nora)

*Credit to Ashraf Naserudin as the photographer ;)
Post taken CDM Naa Kamaruddin & DDM CIk CIda

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